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159 results:
11. Foreign and Security Policy  
Foreign Policy, Peace and Security   Jakob Schwörer is Policy Advisor at the Nordic Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in Stockholm and covers the topics Foreign Policy, Peace and…  
12. Topics  
Topics Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung  "Country" Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 125 D-12345 City Country +01 212 3108237 +01 212 3108238 example(at)  
13. FES Nordic Countries  
Follow us on Social Media The FES Nordic Countries Combining social security with economic performance, the ”Nordic model” still inspires a wide range of European societies. Gender equality,…  
Waves of the Zeitgeist
From our archives comes a guest article for our Swedish readers, about Ernst von Aster, a politically persecuted philosopher with a social democratic background who during the Nazi era took refuge in…  
| Foreign and Security Policy
New Danish Paradigms on Asylum and Integration
Denmark has adopted increasingly restrictive migration and integration policies, culminating in a significant "paradigm shift" in 2019. This shift marked a move away from integration efforts,…  
| Economy and Labour | Event, Publication, News
AI in the Workplace: FEPS-Nordic Digital Programme Concludes with Inspiring Stockholm Conference
Last week was a milestone for the FEPS-Nordic Digital Programme on Algorithms in the Workplace. We gathered for the final conference in Stockholm, which drew a full house and featured interesting…  
| Democracy and the Welfare State | Publication
Now also in Norwegian! Dismantle Far Right Arguments with Our New Toolkit
Introducing our new toolkit in English, French, German, Swedish and Finnish, designed to provide you with effective strategies for confronting and dismantling Far Right ideas in political debates and…  
18. Valkyriornas ritt (dagensarena)  
Socialdemokrater och liberaler vinnare i valet på Island, men utmaningarna är stora. Det tidigarelagda parlamentsvalet på Island den 30 november 2024 – med ett valdeltagande på 80 procent – markerar…  
19. Håll fingrarna borta från samhällets triggerpunkter (Dagensarena)  
Polariseringen är inte så stor som vi tror, menar tyska forskare. Är våra samhällen mer splittrade i dag är tidigare? Den som följer den politiska debatten kan lätt få intrycket att polariseringen…  
| Foreign and Security Policy | Publication, News
With security concerns on the rise, what about other issues in the Arctic region?
It seems fairly obvious that security issues have moved to the top of the political agenda in the Arctic since February 2022. What does this mean for other issues that were previously on the priority…  
Search results 11 until 20 of 159