
Digital Programme Algorithms at the Workplace

Here you can find all the studies related to this project that have been published over the years, conveniently gathered in one place!

About the Digital Research Programme

With the computer revolution, the workplace has rapidly introduced digital technologies for gig work, remote work, surveillance, and algorithmic management of workers.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nordic Countries together with FEPS, Tankesmedjan Tiden, Kalevi Sorsa Saatio, Tankesmien Agenda, CEVEA, Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd (ECLM), Cooperation Committee of the Nordic Labour Movement (SAMAK), and with the support of Nordics Trade Unions, came together for a Digital Research Programme to investigate these developments and their effects.

During 2023 and 2024 the Digital Research Programme focused on three different research strands and published a series of reports:

  1. Research strand on company case studies of algorithmic management, where workers' performance is tracked and rated. This research strand was conducted in Finland, Sweden and Norway.
  2. Research strand on workers' experience in algorithmic management from surveys in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
  3. Research strand on online platforms, employment terms and algorithms in Denmark.


Research strand on company case studies of algorithmic management

Research on company case studies of algorithmic management, where workers' performance is tracked and rated, was conducted in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. These case studies are analyzed in the publication 'Algorithmic Management in Traditional Workplaces,' with each study focusing on a specific country based on qualitative interviews from the pan-Nordic study.

Pan-Nordic Case Study

Case Study Finland

Case Study Norway

Case Study Sweden

Research strand on workers' experience in algorithmic management from surveys in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

Cross-country workers’ survey on consequences of algorithmic management.

Pan-Nordic Survey Study

Survey Study Denmark

Survey Study Sweden

Survey Study Finland

Survey Study Norway

Research on online platforms, employment terms and algorithms in Denmark.

Literature pre-study

FES Nordic Countries

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