Economy and Labour

The Nordics are famous for their high-tech exporting economies, boasting high productivity and innovativeness. This success relies on a long tradition of social partnership with strong trade unions with a level of membership. This is seen as one of the key factors behind the Nordic’s capability to adapt to the woes and whims of structural change in the global economy. Nevertheless, the Nordic countries are facing pressure to adapt to digital innovations, the climate change-related social and ecological transformation of their economies and societies as well as internal debates on the future of their social partnership models. What are the Nordic answers to structural change in the global and European economies?

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Economy and Labour

Meike Büscher is Policy Advisor at the Nordic Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in Stockholm. She covers issues related to economy and labor policy in the Nordic region. 

+46 76 848 00 95

FES Nordic Countries

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