
| Publication

The Security Radar 2025: Fear of New Wars in Europe lowest among Swedes

The Security Radar 2025 is the fourth edition of a representative public opinion poll first conducted in 2019, then in 2022 and again in 2023 in...


| Economy and Labour, Publication

Turning Concern into Action - Results from a Nordic-German Survey on Climate Attitudes

This new publication shows that combining redistributive measures with ambitious climate policies strengthens public support across diverse social...


| Publication

Mapping the Arctic Mayors’ Forum – Local Governments in Arctic Governance and International Discussions

This publication, authored by Iselin Németh Winther from the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, maps out the Arctic Mayors’ Forum (AMF), a pioneering...


20.01.2025 | Publication

From Posts to Polls

How did political parties target young voters on social media during the 2024 European Election campaign? What strategies worked, and what didn't?


30.12.2024 | Digitalisation and Labour, Economy and Labour, Event, Publication, News

AI in the Workplace: FEPS-Nordic Digital Programme Concludes with Inspiring Stockholm Conference

Last week was a milestone for the FEPS-Nordic Digital Programme on Algorithms in the Workplace. We gathered for the final conference in Stockholm,...


| Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Now also in Norwegian! Dismantle Far Right Arguments with Our New Toolkit

Introducing our new toolkit in English, French, German, Swedish and Finnish, designed to provide you with effective strategies for confronting and...


| Foreign and Security Policy, Publication, News

With security concerns on the rise, what about other issues in the Arctic region?

It seems fairly obvious that security issues have moved to the top of the political agenda in the Arctic since February 2022. What does this mean for...


21.11.2024 | Economy and Labour, Publication

Joint Nordic-German Report Launched

The two reports "How to Reach Gender Pay Equity and How to Close the Gender Pay Gap: Good Practices and Policy Recommendations from Nordic-German...


| Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

New report: Finland - A Political Battleground

The Finnish centre-right to extreme-right-wing government has decided to radically reform the Finnish labour market and welfare system, despite...


| Publication

New Report out in German: The Danish Social Democratic Party and its Migration Policy

Success model or pitfall? A German report on the Danish Social Democratic Party and its migration policy.



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