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159 results:
| Event Type | Event Type, Event, News
Vad säger européer om migration i sociala medier?
Europa delar en yttre gräns, men debatter och samtal om migration är oftast nationella. I alla EU:s medlemsstater är migration ett viktigt tema inte minst i sociala medier. Och även om det man delar…  
| Topics, Event Type, Type | Topics, Event Type, Type, Event, News
Triumpf of the Woman? The Female Face of the Populist & Far Right in Europe
Women voters were long thought to be relatively immune to the election policies advocated by right-wing populists and right-wing extremist parties. That has changed, however. In absolute terms the…  
| Event, News
A Toolbox for the EU to Safeguard Democracy in Member States
The European Union’s fundamental values have come under pressure in several member states. Recently, EU institutions have shown more commitment to defending fundamental values and EU interventions…  
| Event
Progressive Answers to Populism
What gives rise to right-wing populism? How has it affected our political reality, and how can we fight it? These questions among others will be discussed together with academics and politicians at…  
| Event, News
A Golden rule for Public Investments
Recurring traffic interference due to lacking maintenance of the railway network, run down schools, hospitals and other public service facilities that create problems for students, patients and…  
| Event, News
In Times of Growing Right-Wing Populism – what are effective counter-strategies?
What can be done by progressive parties and unions to reclaim action in these times of growing right-wing populism? We have invited the author of the Norwegian case study, Ketil Raknes, to present…  
| Publication
Bilanz der feministischen Regierung in Schweden
Welche Maßnahmen und Instrumente wurden durch die rot-grüne Regierung auf den Weg gebracht und wo hat man es versäumt zu handeln?  
158. Publication: Reclaiming Action  
New publication out with case studies from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany and strategies for tackling the rising right-wing populism.  
159. Die Publikation "Reclaiming action" – jetzt auch auf Deutsch!  
Das Projekt „Reclaiming Action“ schaut sich die progressiven Strategien in diesen Ländern - und auch Deutschland genauer an. Publikation zum kostenlosen Download hier!  
Search results 151 until 159 of 159