Monday, 08.10.2018 - Norra Latin, Drottninggatan 71B, Stockholm

A Golden rule for Public Investments

Recurring traffic interference due to lacking maintenance of the railway network, run down schools, hospitals and other public service facilities that create problems for students, patients and staff. All these problems have one thing in common – the necessity of public investment, but how are these investments to be secured in times of budget cuts and recessions?

Welcome to a lecture with Achim Truger on the advantages and disadvantages with a so-called golden rule for public investments, a rule that would create space for investment financed by loans today, to enable 

increased consumption in the future. Truger is Professor of Economics, especially Macroeconomics and Economic Policy, at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. He specializes in public finances and has served as an economic advisor to governments, parliaments, political parties, trade unions and NGOs on the international, national as well as regional level. He has been nominated to join the German Council of Economic Advisors of the Federal Government. 

Please find more information on Truger here.

15.45 Registration + coffee
16.00 Welcome
16.05 Lecture Achim Truger 
16.50 Discussion 
17.30 End

Free entrance, but please register here.

A cooperation between Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Katalys and the Post-Keynesian Network.

FES Nordic Countries

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