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159 results:
131. Facket räddar liv i pandemin (Dagens Arena)  
När facket krävt bättre skyddsutrustning, färre timanställningar och visselblåst om missförhållanden har de räddat liv i äldreomsorgen. Coronakrisen visar hur viktig för hälsan denna motkraft är.  
132. Dänemarks Traum von null Asylbewerbern (WELT)  
Als erstes EU-Land entzieht Dänemark Flüchtlingen aus Syrien ihren Schutzstatus und will sie zurück in „sichere“ Landesteile schicken. Kopenhagen treibt seine rigorose Migrationspolitik weiter voran…  
133. Kommunal tar till internationell covid-jämförelse med Arena (Dagens Opinion)  
Fackförbundet Kommunal jämför i en rapport äldreomsorgen under coronakrisen. Kommunal kommer fram till att ”Sverige får svidande kritik”. Undersökningen är gjord i samarbete med…  
134. Nicht schimpfen, impfen! (IPG)  
Einige Länder sind beim Impfen wesentlich schneller als wir. Wie sie das schaffen? Wir berichten aus den USA, Dänemark und Chile. Knut Dethlefsen & Philipp Fink & Simone Reperger.  
| Democracy and the Welfare State | Event, News
Right-wing Populism and the COVID-19 Crisis in Germany, Sweden and Finland
The strategies of European right-wing populist movements during the pandemic. Webseminar, March 4th, 11 A.M. Swedish time/ 12 noon Finnish time.  
Bild: Ron Dale/Adobe Stock
| FES-Categories, Democracy and the Welfare State, Type | FES-Categories, Type, Event, News
Integration is about equality - Migrants in the Nordic countries
An article series on integration of migrants in the Nordic countries.  
Bild: Vitomirov/Getty Images/iStockphoto | Bergsee, blau
| FES-Categories, Democracy and the Welfare State, Type | FES-Categories, Type, Publication, News
Zig-zag course. Public service broadcasting in Denmark
New publication on public service broadcasting in Denmark, written by Professor David Nicolas Hopmann. Available in German.  
| FES-Categories, Economy and Labour, Type | FES-Categories, Type, Event
Artificial Intelligence and Working Life
New report in English and Swedish. Digitalization is heavily influencing the world of work, leading to structural change at the workplace. New professions and skills are becoming more important,…  
| FES-Categories, Economy and Labour, Type | FES-Categories, Type, Press, Event
Fight against Helplessness
Article on the e-commerce giant Amazon in Arena Essä.  
| FES-Categories, Economy and Labour, Type | FES-Categories, Type, Event
A Vision for Digital Europe
From the taming of platforms to digital humanism - Watch the discussion with Thomas Gegenhuber, Maja Fjaestad, Jens Zimmermann and Karin Pettersson here. The seminar took place on the 23rd november…  
Search results 131 until 140 of 159