
Friday, 13.05.2022 | Upcoming, Democracy and the Welfare State, Event

Report launch: International cooperation of far-right groups

Welcome to the launch of the report “Mapping the far right in Northern Europe and Germany”. The report outlines some of the key players of the...


| Foreign and Security Policy, Publication

Security Radar 2022 - Norway

Security Radar 2022 is the second edition of an FES survey gauging the public opinion in 14 states from across the OSCE region. The Radar reflects on...


| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Die schwedische Unzufriedenheit

Dieser Bericht fasst die Ergebnisse aus über 300 Gesprächen zusammen und beschreibt das Schweden der Unzufriedenen mit ihren eigenen Worten. Für ihre...


| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

On the growing gap between rich and poor in Sweden

New report on the growing gap between rich and poor in Sweden written by Mats Wingborg. The text is based on the anthology Class in Sweden: The...


| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Swedish Discontent

New report summarizing the findings from over 300 conversations conducted with people made in socio-economically disadvantaged locations in Sweden...


| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Rückkehr der Klassengesellschaft? Über die wachsende Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich in Schweden

Ziel des viel gerühmten schwedischen Wohlfahrtsstaats war die Überwindung der Klassengesellschaft. Allerdings haben verschiedene Austeritäts-,...


22.12.2021 | Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

The Profiteers of Fear? Right-wing populism and the COVID-19 Crisis

How has the COVID-19 crisis affected right-wing populists in Europe? A report series with contributions from Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Italy, France,...


Bild: A sitting older man and a standing younger woman laugh at each other in an adult education class
14.12.2021 | Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Ongoing Project: Ready for the future?

Upcoming report: Policies for individual professional further training in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Germany – a comparative study of challenges and...


| Foreign and Security Policy, Democracy and the Welfare State, Event

„Wars must be eliminated, not merely limited“

An online commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Willy Brandt. With the participation of Heidemarie...


01.12.2021 | Democracy and the Welfare State, Event

Mapping the radical right in Northern Europe

The pandemic has not silenced right-wing activists. A project with the aim to further the exchange between civil society organisations against...



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