
Bild: Thomas Brill/Getty Images Signature/Canva Pro
| Economy and Labour, Event

Green Hydrogen: The International Dimension

A workshop series on green hydrogen and the challenges and potential of collaborations between Germany and the Nordic states. ...


Bild: Jan Scheunert/picture alliance/
| Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

The concept of European sovereignty

European sovereignty is increasingly an issue of political debate. In order to understand the concept the opinion research institute Ipsos, on behalf...


Bild: On the Corona Frontline | Fredrik Sandin Carlson/pertext, Berlin
| Democracy and the Welfare State, Event, News

On the Corona Frontline: The Experiences of care workers in nine European countries

A report series on the impact the pandemic has had on elder care and the justified demands of the care workers’ trade unions.


Bild: Unequal Finland | Heike Wächter
| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Unequal Europe - Tackling Regional Disparities in Europe

“Unequal Europe - Tackling Regional Disparities in Europe” investigates the extent of regional disparities in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Italy and...


| Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Sweden takes a conservative shift to the right

New report on how the Moderate Party has revoked the consensus among the established democratic parties in Sweden to refuse cooperation with the...


Parteivorsitzender Ulf Kristersson der Moderaten und Jimmie Åkesson der Schwedendemokraten. Foto: Patrik Österberg/TT.
| Upcoming, Democracy and the Welfare State, Publication

Konservative Steigbügelhalter? Die "Moderaten" und die Rechtspopulisten in Schweden

Wenn Schweden 2022 ein neues Parlament wählt ist, ist es nicht ausgeschlossen, dass eine bürgerliche Regierung unter Führung der konservativen...


Bild: Tanawat Pontchour/Getty Images/Canva Pro
| Transforming Labour Relations and Trade Unions, Event Type, Upcoming, Economy and Labour, Event

Turning the tide? Online workshops on trade union memberships and the pandemic

Two online workshops on the effects of the pandemic on trade union membership in Germany and the Nordics & Best-practice strategies on how to gain and...


Bild: On the Corona Frontline | Fredrik Sandin Carlson/pertext, Berlin
| Future of the Welfare State, Upcoming, Democracy and the Welfare State, Event

How do we translate care workers' experiences into better care and better working conditions?

Public online conference:"Care Workers on the Coronavirus Frontline – translating their experiences into better care and better working conditions".


Grafik: facts and fiction GmbH
01.05.2021 | Economy and Labour, Event, News

The Road Towards A Carbon Free Society. A Nordic-German Trade Union Cooperation on Just Transition

The Project "The Road Towards a Carbon Free Society. A Nordic-German Trade Union Cooperation on Just Transition" is a collaboration between the...


Bild: Yevhen/Adobe Stock | Bergsee, blau
| Economy and Labour, Publication, News

Recovery Strategies in Europe

A series of reports from several European countries analyse their respective national recovery plans and assess them in view of meeting the complex...



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