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157 results:
| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State | Publication
Rückkehr der Klassengesellschaft? Über die wachsende Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich in Schweden
Ziel des viel gerühmten schwedischen Wohlfahrtsstaats war die Überwindung der Klassengesellschaft. Allerdings haben verschiedene Austeritäts-, Liberalisierungs und Deregulierungswellen dieses Ziel in…  
Bild: A sitting older man and a standing younger woman laugh at each other in an adult education class
| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State | Publication
Ongoing Project: Ready for the future?
Upcoming report: Policies for individual professional further training in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Germany – a comparative study of challenges and best practices  
| Foreign and Security Policy, Democracy and the Welfare State | Event
„Wars must be eliminated, not merely limited“
An online commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Willy Brandt. With the participation of Heidemarie Wieczoreck-Zeul, Bundesministerin a. D., and Pierre Schori,…  
84. Holpriger Weg: Zum zweiten Mal Schwedens erste Ministerpräsidentin (Vorwärts)  
Seit 100 Jahren gibt es in Schweden das Frauenwahlrecht. Nun steht mit Magdalena Andersson zum ersten Mal eine Frau an der Spitze der Regierung. Ihr Weg ins Amt war jedoch holprig.  
| Democracy and the Welfare State | Event
Mapping the radical right in Northern Europe
The pandemic has not silenced right-wing activists. A project with the aim to further the exchange between civil society organisations against right-wing hate in the Nordic countries and Germany.  
Bild: Thomas Brill/Getty Images Signature/Canva Pro
| Economy and Labour | Event
Green Hydrogen: The International Dimension
A workshop series on green hydrogen and the challenges and potential of collaborations between Germany and the Nordic states.  
87. Bygden dör – men är det på väg att vända? (ETC Nyhetsmagasin)  
Bor du i en av Sveriges 82 socioekonomiskt utsatta kommuner betalar du högre skatt – och har sämre service. ETC åkte till en av kommunerna, Högsby, där Inger Gustavsson konstaterar att bygden sakta…  
Bild: Jan Scheunert/picture alliance/
| Democracy and the Welfare State | Publication
The concept of European sovereignty
European sovereignty is increasingly an issue of political debate. In order to understand the concept the opinion research institute Ipsos, on behalf of the Fondation Jean-Jaurès and the…  
Bild: On the Corona Frontline | Fredrik Sandin Carlson/pertext, Berlin
| Democracy and the Welfare State | Event, News
On the Corona Frontline: The Experiences of care workers in nine European countries
A report series on the impact the pandemic has had on elder care and the justified demands of the care workers’ trade unions.  
Bild: Unequal Finland | Heike Wächter
| Economy and Labour, Democracy and the Welfare State | Publication
Unequal Europe - Tackling Regional Disparities in Europe
“Unequal Europe - Tackling Regional Disparities in Europe” investigates the extent of regional disparities in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Italy and Romania.  
Search results 81 until 90 of 157