Fight against Helplessness

Article on the e-commerce giant Amazon in Arena Essä.


Even in the 21st century, alienation and exploitation are fundamental aspects of capitalism. One example are the working conditions at the e-commerce giant Amazon. But the resistance is growing.

"On a larger scale, the action against Amazon is also about whether the megacorporations are going to succeed with the exploitation of the workforce by fully taking over control of the work and if it succeeds in introducing this double expropriation as a norm - or if the working and trade union movement manages to set limits to this unbridled capitalism in the form of a back-up of the workforce - or even expropriation of the expropriators"


Read the full article (in Swedish) in Arena Essä ( here:

About the authors:

Orhan Akman is a political and trade union secretary, responsible for retail industries and the e-commerce sector at the German United Services Union ver.di.

André Scheer was many years responsible for the international pages of the daily newspaper junge Welt and works now with industry policy at the German United Services Union ver.di.

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