How do we Strengthen our Democracies? Finding Labour Movement Strategies that Work
Date and time: August the 31st, 13:00-16:00
Venue: Plenisalen, LO-borgen, Barnhusgatan 18, 111 23 Stockholm, Sverige
Register your participation by 24 August, the latest here
Discussions with several experts, among others: Reiner Hoffmann, Chair of the German Council for Sustainable Development and Stefan Löfven, President of PES.
We never expected this to happen: But nowadays democracy is in question again. Compared to a few decades ago, more people live in societies where freedoms and civil rights are cut. Autocratic states are tragic facts, but even more common is a trend where populism and nationalism are paving the way for the dismantling of crucial elements of democracy. The Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) center in Gothenburg shows that the democratic development has been set back 35 years. The Freedom of Expression was deteriorating in 35 countries in 2022 – ten years ago it was only 7. There is cause for concern about developments both abroad and in Sweden.
Trade unionist, journalists and civil society organizations are often amongst the first people experiencing shrinking spaces, when autocracy is allowed to grow. Trade unions are a movement that empowers people and makes them aware of their democratic and social rights, journalists pose a clear threat to forces that dislike scrutiny and accountability, and civil society organizations limit and control the power of the state, while maintaining firm commitments to issues of societal concern such as the environment or gender equality. With this conference, LO and FES want to focus on the role of trade unions in strengthening and defending democracy. How is the situation today? What instruments do unions need to support and monitor democracy? What has worked? What do we need to strengthen in our future work?
You are warmly welcome!
After registration you will receive the programme for the conference by email.
FES Nordic Countries
Office/Postal Address
Barnhusgatan 10
111 23 Stockholm