Energy without Russia – A Survey of Country Studies

As part of our series of FES documents on Energy without Russia, published in the second half of 2023, we have now published a summary report on how EU countries reacted to the energy supply crisis following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine had a huge impact on the energy supply of EU Member States. The question of how and when Europe could free itself from its heavy dependence on Russian fossil fuels was of utmost importance for the sustainability of EU sanctions and the economic and social resilience of EU countries. 

A series of FES articles published in the second half of 2023 describe how EU countries have reacted to the energy supply crisis following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how these reactions affect the long-term energy policies of different countries. 

In summary, the picture that emerges is one of joint and consistent action by EU states, which in a surprisingly short time and to a surprisingly high degree were able to decouple themselves from the supply of fossil fuels from Russia.

Energy without Russia

Energy without Russia

How Europe has reacted to the supply crisis after the attack on Ukraine ; A survey of country studies
Budapest, 2023

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