Zig-zag course. Public service broadcasting in Denmark

New publication on public service broadcasting in Denmark, written by Professor David Nicolas Hopmann. Available in German.

The public-service broadcasting in Denmark (DR) not only reaches the vast majority of Danes but can also draw upon high levels of trust from the danish public. Nevertheless, the broadcasting service faces great changes, which can be related directly to progressing digitalization and the resulting demise of regular TV, Radio and the rise of streaming-services.

The author David Nicolas Hopmann, who is Professor at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Odense, describes in “Zick-Zack-Kurs” the historic developments as well as the current situation of public-service broadcasting in Denmark. 

The article, which is a cooperation with FES-Medienpolitik, highlights various possibilities for development which aim to preserve the societal role of public-service broadcasting in a time full of changes.

More information in German.


Hopmann, David Nicolas


Öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk in Dänemark
Bonn, 2021

Download publication (550 KB, PDF-File)

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